Data Destruction

Data destruction guarantees the complete elimination of data, ensuring no remnants remain on your electronic devices. When your IT assets reach the end of their operational lifespan, implementing a robust data destruction strategy will obstruct any possibility of data being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Our data wiping software is military grade and ADISA approved.

Under GDPR regulations, organizations are mandated to eradicate all data from data-containing devices that have reached the end of their use. Data destruction can be achieved through either wiping or shredding.

How can data be securely eliminated?

Wiping ensures the irreversible and unrecoverable removal of data. It stands as the most environmentally conscious and cost-efficient approach, allowing the device to be repurposed or sold into the secondary markets, like

Physical shredding involves dismantling the device, reducing it to minuscule debris. These fragments, just millimetres in size, are subsequently recycled, with reclaimed materials utilized in the production of new devices.

In search of accredited and fool proof data destruction services? Feel free to reach out to us today.